Offering the very best how we’ll best support our philanthropic goals. We’re starting out by carrying high style and superb quality clothing, accessories, cosmetics, body products and much more (we have a few secrets in mind we're holding close to our hearts!). We'll have items available for women, men and children from some the most reputable brands and renowned designers from around the world, additionally we'll be looking for new talent, new creatives whom we can put out in the spotlight. Our merchandise will consist of the current season’s products, selective discount overstock and carefully chosen secondhand items from individuals as donations or on consignment. We are looking forward to serving you, by serving you with excellence we will have more money to give away by the end of the year and that's what this is all about!!


WORKING IN A GLASS HOUSE... Please pardon the mess on this blog right now. Our name change to Eclectic Giving from Apparel Eclectic is completely official! As great as this is for us it does mean dumping the old blog and starting over almost from the beginning. I wish it was possible to make all the changes behind the scenes but it doesn't work that way... Your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated while we work publicly exposed during our redesign process!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's Been Awhile!! — Time for an Update From "Eclectic Giving"

We personally thank every single one of you for your maintained support during the slow process of making this dream a reality. As promised, your patience will be rewarded...

For a long time I've been arduously working on a post trying to explain all the details of why we're not yet operational and why we haven't been communicating. It's due to your support that I feel you deserve to know the detailed reasons for the sudden disappearance that began only months after publicly announcing the idea for this nonprofit business. As I was struggling with sorting out what to say I realized I was making something simple overly complicated. The bottom line is a very simple thing, and that's until the past few months I've been too sick to work on furthering this business. One of the reasons my illness served as an inspiration to create this nonprofit is because of how being sick got in the way of my ability to lead a normal day-to-day life. Until not too long ago it had again been doing just that.
We are now ready to get things underway though, and although it doesn't show on the outside, we've already started. There are so many things to announce I don't know where I should start... So in brief the following are some things we'd like to share with you:
  • Although not yet reflected on Facebook we've officially changed our name to "Eclectic Giving". In the first months after we announced our plans we received inquiries from both potential customers and vendors suggesting an interest in being able to buy or sell products outside the scope we were restricted to by our old name. It wasn't a big leap for us to see that having the ability to move with the market into new sectors is the best way for us to reach our philanthropic goals. The name change is the reason we're asking people not to promote the FB page right now; we can change the name as long as our fan numbers don't increase by much.

  • We've begun the process of legally becoming a 501(c)(3). We're working with a wonderful nonprofit organization called the Foundation Group that will handle everything for us. As a nonprofit themselves their fees are nominal and more than worth it. As long as our application is approved anytime in 2013 then all business conducted during the year will be considered that of a nonprofit. 

  • Behind the scenes, the creation of our website and webstore at Eclectic Giving is currently being constructed for us by Volusion pro-bono because we're an honored member of their "Stores to Change the World" program. In addition to building our site they will also design an improved Facebook page with a fully functional store, redesign our Twitter account, create our first Pinterest account and the full redesign of this blog is part of the deal too. They will also build an eBay store for us! Additionally, we can be found on Foursquare.

  • We will soon announce new members of the Board of Directors. This is incredibly exciting, yet we still have a few more seats to fill, send a message if you have any interest in joining, if you've contacted us in the past on this subject please do so again.

 ~~Your Friends @ Eclectic Giving~~

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