Offering the very best how we’ll best support our philanthropic goals. We’re starting out by carrying high style and superb quality clothing, accessories, cosmetics, body products and much more (we have a few secrets in mind we're holding close to our hearts!). We'll have items available for women, men and children from some the most reputable brands and renowned designers from around the world, additionally we'll be looking for new talent, new creatives whom we can put out in the spotlight. Our merchandise will consist of the current season’s products, selective discount overstock and carefully chosen secondhand items from individuals as donations or on consignment. We are looking forward to serving you, by serving you with excellence we will have more money to give away by the end of the year and that's what this is all about!!


WORKING IN A GLASS HOUSE... Please pardon the mess on this blog right now. Our name change to Eclectic Giving from Apparel Eclectic is completely official! As great as this is for us it does mean dumping the old blog and starting over almost from the beginning. I wish it was possible to make all the changes behind the scenes but it doesn't work that way... Your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated while we work publicly exposed during our redesign process!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Non-Cash Assistance to Put Eclectic Giving on the Fast Track of Philanthropic Success!!….

Cash isn't the only way you can assist in building this unique combination of both a charitable organization and a true business establishment. As two organizations in one, a charity and a retail business, our needs are extremely diverse. Following is a rather long list of ways you can be of assistance with direct contact emails addresses for each area you're interested in helping with (if you'd like to help in more than one area write to us at our "info" email address):

Share your suggestions and ideas on how to make this the best organization for you; we're creating this for you and when we've said that "our business is your business" as much as it sounds like a corny a catchphrase it was never meant to be one. We're raising funds for the betterment of everyone's health so we truly believe this is for you:


If you have a professional skill or area of expertise valuable amongst the vast array of our endeavor and you feel you could serve well as a consultant for us:


If you're a blogger for subjects related to fashion, wearable goods, cosmetics, body care products or any and all subjects connected to health consider cross-posting on our blog, you'll be given full credit for your work with a link to your own blog site:


Would you like to become a part of the team who runs Eclectic Giving? Become a key player, have a true vote in how Eclectic giving will operate over the years and join our Board of Directors:


Do you work for an existing health-based nonprofit, are there any you support or feel strongly about? Please let us know so we can select a charity for this year and add the others to our list of charities to donate to in the years to come:


Advertise on our blog and in time on our fully designed website, or invite us to advertise on your site. What you see right now is not the final look for Eclectic Giving, everything is being redesigned If you're interested in creating an affiliate advertising relationship together please let us know:


We can always use help keeping our overall social media designs up to date along with finding and thanking new supporters:


To meet our philanthropic dreams we'll be selling through multiple outlets. A wonderful eCommerce company called Volusion has volunteered to work on the design and management of our own webstore and Facebook store along with the integration of an eBay store. What we need is to have that eBay store designed, in addition we plan to create an Amazon store. We need immediate help with the all aspects of web design and construction:


To start with we'll carry almost anything wearable you can think of; from jeans to mascara or cashmere to body lotion. We'll have products for men women and children from around the world and styles will range from sophisticated to playful. We're going to carry product from the top designers, the most recognizable brand names along with giving a hand out to small business with high quality merchandise. If you're an established company and would like to sell through us:


We will sell on behalf of individuals on a consignment basis. These items will be limited to high quality, selectively curated vintage and secondhand items. Along with products you design and create yourself if you're still on your way towards becoming a small business, if this is of interests email us and we'll let you know how the process works:


Again, we'll carry a selection of quality secondhand items and vintage goods but this time through public donations. And again, anything pre-owned will be carefully chosen. If you're interested in donating goods contact us and we'll fill you in on the details and get you a prepaid shipping label:


Please contact us regarding anything else at all; to simply ask a question or get more info:

Below is our toll-free number, if you're a phone person and would like to call please do so (it's a donated service so don't worry about running up the bill).

By Phone:  855-779-9770

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