Offering the very best how we’ll best support our philanthropic goals. We’re starting out by carrying high style and superb quality clothing, accessories, cosmetics, body products and much more (we have a few secrets in mind we're holding close to our hearts!). We'll have items available for women, men and children from some the most reputable brands and renowned designers from around the world, additionally we'll be looking for new talent, new creatives whom we can put out in the spotlight. Our merchandise will consist of the current season’s products, selective discount overstock and carefully chosen secondhand items from individuals as donations or on consignment. We are looking forward to serving you, by serving you with excellence we will have more money to give away by the end of the year and that's what this is all about!!


WORKING IN A GLASS HOUSE... Please pardon the mess on this blog right now. Our name change to Eclectic Giving from Apparel Eclectic is completely official! As great as this is for us it does mean dumping the old blog and starting over almost from the beginning. I wish it was possible to make all the changes behind the scenes but it doesn't work that way... Your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated while we work publicly exposed during our redesign process!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Designing From Inside a Glass House…

Please pardon the mess on this blog right now. Our name change to Eclectic Giving from Apparel Eclectic is completely official!

As great as this is for us it did mean dumping the old blog and starting over nearly from the scratch. We're doing the best we can to make this transition smooth and fast but we want to do it right too and doing something right does tend to slow things down a bit. We wish it were possible to make all the changes behind the scenes but it doesn't work that way with the application we're using... For example, at this time you can see the little titles we've given to our advertisements because with this app we must provide the ads with a title for us to see on the layout side of things; otherwise every single one of them is listed as "HTML/JavaScript" as you can (sorta) see in the below screenshot we made before putting the titles in:

Blog Unamed Arrangement

I'm sure you can only imagine how difficult it is to work on the layout screen above by trying to recall from looking at the blog preview where to place the next advertisement or widget! It was taking us so much time  working almost blindly on the layout screen by looking at the blog preview and counting that the next item should be placed "sixth from the bottom" or "four down from 'BLOG VISITORS'". So for the re-design this week we're going with short-term messy yet long-term faster (we hope!!).

Your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated while we work exposed publicly during our re-design process!

~~Your Friends @ Eclectic Giving~~

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